
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Friend John

When I walked out of the church this morning I noticed a large pile of blankets pilled up in the hallway. I didn’t think much of it at first because I never know what is going on in this church half the time, but when I walked outside I noticed something had changed. For the last few months there has been a man living behind the dumpster of the church I live at in Oakland. This man’s name is John and he is an elderly guy that has been struggling to maintain a stable living situation with the Bay Area’s incredibly high cost of living. John has become my friend over the last few months as we have had many conversations and I have been frequently bringing him my leftovers and other small goodies. 

He is a very sweet guy and having him in the parking lot where my car is parked each night has made me feel quite a bit safer. Many car break-ins happen every night around where I live in Oakland, but having someone around seems to be a deterrent from anyone wanting to choose my car as the next candidate. I believe in many ways he has taken on the role of protector over my car and me. Through many conversations we have had and various comments he has made to me about how I need to stay safe and ways he is working to keep the parking lot to the church safe and secure, I know he was greatly concerned about my safety. 

When I walked outside this morning I noticed that John’s home was no longer there. The dumpster was pushed back against the wall of the church and all of his belongings were nowhere to be found. I am unsure whether the church made John leave or if he chose to relocate, but the fact that some of his things were inside the church makes me wonder if the church did not have something to do with it. Homelessness has become an issue incredibly close to home since I have been out here. I have many friends around the neighborhood that I will find sleeping outside the church on the sidewalk at night. It can still be shocking to drive up late at night and see several bodies lined up sleeping right outside my window.  I wanted to ask you all to be praying for John. I do not know where he is headed or if I will ever get to see him again, but I want to bathe him in prayer. I just ask you all to pray for his safety and his living situation. Also please pray that through some manner John will come to know the Savior who loved him so much He died for him. I do not know if John had any kind of faith but I do know that his Father in Heaven cares for him deeply. Thank you all for your prayers for my dear friend. 

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